Friday, September 13, 2013

How Social Media Has Impacted My Life

Since we turned this blog post assignment into a game of Risk, and are using it as a form of social competition does it count as Social Media?

There's some food for thought I suppose. Anyway I could sit here and tell you that Facebook isn't a huge part of my life, and that I only use it occasionally. But I would be lying to you if I said that, because I go on Facebook every single day and spend at least 15 minutes or so just browsing the most random things on it. Why? I'm not sure, its entertaining I suppose. Thanks a lot Mark Zuckerberg.

You guys remember this? 

Before Facebook, there was Myspace. I'm sure we all remember Myspace, looking back at it now I think I was the most ridiculous kid ever, but at the time Myspace was the best. All my free time was spent on that website. It had very little impact on my life today. I have zero contact with the people I met through Myspace, so it was a colossal waste of life. I think why Myspace died out, at least as the top social media website, was because its popularity peaked before the mainstream smartphone was released.

Facebook is just about the only Social Media I use. I do have a twitter, and I do have a good followers to follow ratio, but I probably only tweet once per month. According to, I make .7 tweets per every 30 days. I don't have a Tumblr, an Instagram and I have no idea what a Pinterest is, only that according to my Facebook post it seems to prevalent in females more so than males. I'm gonna have to check on that.

Social Media seems to be on a rise, and it still should continue to impact the world in bigger ways in the future. The whole Miley Cyrus twerking performance is still being talked about just because of its notoriety on the Twitter and other social media. The fact that I'm typing about it now is a testament to how much impact Social Media has on our day to day lives. Twitter and Facebook influenced the 2012 Presidential Election as well.

But that's not important, Miley Cyrus dancing with teddy bears is.

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